A blog about writing, demons, vampires, spirituality and life through the eyes of an Urban Fantasy and Horror author
Thursday, June 27, 2013
On Hiatus
OK, guys I am taking a break for a couple of weeks. I am nearing the end of my second book and need to concentrate on finishing so it will be out by this December. I will, however, be back for the Blogger Book Fair. There are a lot of great posts lined up for that. Remember to check back the week of July 22nd-26th, because that's when the fun starts.
Friday, June 21, 2013
New Cover: A Prescription for Delirium
So, I have great news. A Prescription for Delirium has been re-released with a new cover.
Ninety years ago, Gabriella di Luca promised to protect the family of her dying lover. She failed to keep that promise. She was too far away to stop the devil that murdered the eldest Van Helsing son. Years later, Gabby learns the devil has resurfaced. She arrives in Hampton, TX, determined to stop the devil before it can lay a bloody hand on the remaining three brothers.
However, madness is spreading through Hampton. She suspects the devil is using this madness to test a drug which has a side effect of demonic possession. Gabby rushes to end the source of the madness only to fall victim to it. For a woman cursed with eternal life, dying is no threat. However, Gabby must stop the devil's plot or risk losing her most precious possession: her mind.
And just to give you a taste, here is a different excerpt:
Ninety years ago, Gabriella di Luca promised to protect the family of her dying lover. She failed to keep that promise. She was too far away to stop the devil that murdered the eldest Van Helsing son. Years later, Gabby learns the devil has resurfaced. She arrives in Hampton, TX, determined to stop the devil before it can lay a bloody hand on the remaining three brothers.
However, madness is spreading through Hampton. She suspects the devil is using this madness to test a drug which has a side effect of demonic possession. Gabby rushes to end the source of the madness only to fall victim to it. For a woman cursed with eternal life, dying is no threat. However, Gabby must stop the devil's plot or risk losing her most precious possession: her mind.
And just to give you a taste, here is a different excerpt:
The sheets clung to
my back as I sat up. I sucked down the cool night air for several moments as I
took in my surroundings. Murmurs from the program on the television competed
with the buzz of the air conditioner. The light played over the bed and table.
Right, this was my hotel room.
I shivered as my
feet touched the floor and the cool air blew across my bare legs. Water would
be best to clear the scratchiness in my throat. The faucet hissed as the water
filled the cup. I wiped my cheeks and stared at the wetness on my fingertips.
I’d been crying in my sleep again. Strange, after five centuries, the dream
could still do this to me.
I stared in the
mirror with my aura sight at the figure behind me. It floated inches above the
floor with thick black chains with red cracks covering it from head to toe. It
writhed and twisted, trying to break free of the chains and, every so often, a
flash of white light leaked out from behind its bindings. A length of chain
extended from the figure to a collar around my neck. No, the Van Helsings
weren’t the only ones touched by a spirit. Mine had to pay the price of my
“I’ll free us
both,” I said. “I’ll kill the demon bitch that has us.”
Allegra. My reason
for existence. She’d taken my husband, my son, my life and left me with
nothing. I remained alive as part of her punishment while she stayed beyond my
I gulped the water
down and crushed the plastic cup in my hand. Little pricks of pain flared
behind my eyes, and my heart pounded in my ears. It looked to be another
sleepless night. The hellhound had run back to his masters. I could spend the
time tracking him down or stay here and brood.
I pulled on my
clothes and lifted the hood of my jacket over my head. My hand ran over the
hilt of my sword. I unsheathed it, letting the light glint off the two feet of
sinuous blade. It was called a sundang and was made of iron, good for cutting
the connection between the spiritual and material world. Its creators had not
stopped there. Kali, the Hindu goddess, blessed certain families with the power
and weapons to slay demons. They had died out, but their weapons remained, like
this one. My hand ran over the flat from the wide base to the rounded point. It
wouldn’t pierce, but the blade would cut through flesh like butter.
I set out with the
sword strapped across my back and a butterfly knife fitted in a sheath on the
inside of my pants. Laughter and music coming from the rooms facing the road
broke the silence that should have pervaded the motel. A row of motorcycles was
parked outside. They must have come in the middle of the night. The occasional
headlights of cars from the highway broke the darkness as I walked. The parking
lots of the two restaurants and the jewelry shop lay bare. The world slept
while I was denied rest.
A star shot across
the sky, fallen from its place in the heavens. It had a long journey ahead of
it. Everything it knew would be gone. Did stars feel the burden of eternity in
the deep black? Did they yearn for warmth besides their own burning intensity?
I rubbed my arms
and continued on to the bar. Lights flashed ahead of me. The bar had not
drifted off to sleep like the rest. A crowd gathered around one police car and
an ambulance. The demon had lost his temper and hurt someone. Merda,
the last thing I needed was the police sniffing around. I slipped into the
empty lot next to the bar and lay on my stomach, hidden by the high grass. The
blades tickled my face as I crawled forward on my elbows and knees. I stopped
when I reached twenty feet away and poked my head up, making sure I remained
out of the light.
Two officers, a man
and a woman, were talking to the large man the hellhound had thrown. He waved
his left hand in the air while talking. He would have used both, but his right
was bound in a sling.
Damn, there’d be no
tracking the hellhound with this crowd. Still, I needed to check for others.
I closed my eyes,
and something in my head shifted, like a joint popping into place. The colors
surrounding the crowd pulsed with anger and excitement. They hadn’t had this
much fun in months. Behind them, a different demon looked on with its arms
crossed. Barely anything about this creature resembled a human or animal. Two
large, bat-like wings grew out of his back. Its head had an acorn shape with
its snout extending to a point several inches past its jaw, and two spikes
protruded down from the sides of the head. A hard carapace covered his body,
with horns protruding from the joints.
I shivered and
closed my eyes, but the image remained burned in my mind. I needed to see what
human this thing paraded around in. Six feet of biker leaned against a
motorcycle not unlike the ones parked outside of my hotel. Tribal tattoos covered
his shaven head, surrounding his right eye, and traveled down his neck to
disappear under his leather jacket.
Two in one night.
Lucky me, though he was neither Ose nor the fortune-teller, since she preferred
women. So where did this one fit in? The muscles in my arm cramped as I lay
there, waiting. It didn’t take long for the police to finish their questioning.
“Go home and sleep
it off!” The police woman waved off the crowd. “We’ll handle this.”
A few of the men
shouted and whistled, but they still made their way to their cars. Tattoo
climbed on his bike and drove off with the rest. I remained still. I knew where
he would end up.
The patrol car
exited last, following the ambulance. Finally. I stood up, stretching my arms
out and rotating my shoulders. A short jog had me back at the hotel in minutes,
and I paused in between two trucks to catch my breath. Warmth spread to my
fingers from where the cracked asphalt had baked in the sun. The night had done
nothing to cool the air. Nor did it lessen the stench of oil and hot rubber
that surrounded me. The demon’s motorcycle rested among the others, just as I
Ten of them. How
many were demons? It looked like I’d spend the night scouting a different group
than the one I planned on.
A truck door slammed
and a woman marched to the biker’s door with a shotgun in her hand. Her blonde
hair bounced against her shoulders with each step. She would have been pretty
if not for the scowl she wore. She paused at the first of the bikers’ doors,
taking a deep breath, and widened her legs in a taekwondo stance. The door gave
way with a crack from the kick she delivered to it. My jaw hung open as the
woman stepped inside.
Her Cajun accent
traveled clear on the night air. “All right you sons of bitches, I have some
questions that need answers.”
A Prescription for Delirium can be found on Amazon.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Guest Post: Marie Sumner
Halloween for the
When I was younger I went through an extreme Greek mythology
phase. I became hooked after reading the
Odyssey my freshman year of high school (OK so I read the SparkNotes.. don’t
judge me). It’s easy to get lost in
Greek mythology. Not only is it somewhat romantic, but it also reflects the
sinful side of human nature with displays of power, lust, and deception. In
fact, it’s a lot like watching a daytime soap opera (although not quite as
pathetic). Perfect specimens of both the male and female body engage in
tumultuous relationships that rival anything that we are likely to experience
on Earth.
A near decade after “reading” the Odyssey and I’m back on my
Greek Mythology kick. I've decided that this time around is going to be much
more fun than the last due to the fact that I can actually partake in a few of
the godly activities-- namely the parties. Since I’m constantly in Halloween
mode, I've been fantasizing about how Greek Gods and Goddesses would celebrate
had they ever had the chance. I imagine it would go something like this:
As the king of the underworld, it only makes sense that
Hades would be the one to host the festivities. After all he wouldn't even have
to rent a venue. His faithful demonic minions would have the underworld decked
out in red lighting and there would be a plethora of lady fingers available for
refreshments, not to mention whatever Hades would decide to serve on tap. Hades
himself would be wearing red horns and a pitch fork.
All of the attendants would also be costume except for Ares, he would just be naked. I’m sure this would be fine with
everyone due to the fact that he is basically all that is man and I would let
him do terrible things to me. But really
who wouldn't? Despite his frequent sexual encounters with Aphrodite, he would
arrive to the party stag and Aphrodite would arrive alongside Hephaestus.
Now, the relationship between Aphrodite and Hephaestus has
always baffled me a bit. I mean, how lucky does an ugly bolt maker have to be
to snag a chic like Aphrodite?! Not only is he the only God that is
unattractive but he is also lame so it just seems like a cruel twist of fate
that Zeus would make Aphrodite marry him. Apparently he’s a nice guy but I
always thought they finished last... Anyways, the pair would arrive at the
party dressed as a French maid and Stephen Hawking, splitting almost as soon as
they arrive.
I’m sure you would all agree that ever party needs at least
one lush and I can’t think of anyone better than Demeter, the goddess of grain.
Dressed as Poison Ivy (from Batman of course!) she would be found frequenting
the open bar and doing body shots off of anyone who would be willing to
partake. Why would she be dressed as Poison Ivy you may ask? Demeter is not
only the goddess of grain but she is also the goddess of all agriculture so all
plants are held very dear to her.
Other obvious party attendants would be Apollo, Hermes,
Persephone, Zeus, Hera, and Athena. After several games of “flip cornucopia”
and “wine pong” they would all take part in a costume contest with Ares, of
course, coming out as the winner. The party could continue until Apollo sobered
up enough to drive the sun across the Earth and the Gods and Goddesses would
begin their walks of shame home.
Marie Sumner considers
herself to be the goddess of dress-up who loves to talk nerdy. When she’s not
wearing a toga or reading Shakespeare in Klingon, she writes for the costumes
provider, Wholesale Halloween Costumes.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Coming Soon: Summer Blogger Book Fair!
Check in to the Blogger Book Fair, and book your trip to far away places!
July 22-26, 2013
As of 5/31/2013, we have:
Authors: 89 Books: 233 Bloggers: 14 If you haven't yet registered, you can find all of the information on the Blogger Book Fair page.- Check out the Code of Conduct
- Fill out either the Author Sign Up form or the Blogger Sign Up form (Deadline June 15)
- Kayla will match everyone with hosts and send out this information to you after sign-ups close
- Check out the events--all authors are eligible to participate in the events, and if you have an event you'd like to host, just fill out the simple Event Sign Up Form--all of this information can be found on the Events! page (Deadline July 8).
- If you're interested in hosting a giveaway to drive traffic to your site, sign up via the Giveaway Sign Up form (Deadline July 15).
- And if your book will be FREE or $0.99 for the duration of the Fair, you can sign up on the Free and $.99 Book Sign Up Forms (Deadline July 15).
as of 5/31/2013
Art Fiction Gala hosted by Lucie Smoker
Does your fiction promote the visual arts--through featuring an artist, painting, sculpture, performance art, etc? Then, consider entering Lucie's Art Fiction Gala. The Art Fiction Gala is a virtual celebration of fiction that highlights the visual arts. Dress up in your finest, pick up some friends--a bottle of wine--and sample mind-blowing fiction that crosses the line between literary and visual art. Plus a gallery of art featuring reading. More information & entry instructionsThree Wishes hosted by Kirstin Pulioff
Introduce your characters to the world. Kirstin Pulioff invites you to ask your main character, "If you found a magic genie lamp, what would be your three choices?" More information & entry instructionsFlash Fiction Challenge II hosted by Thomas Winship
Get ready to exercise your flash fiction muscles. For the Flash Fiction Challenge II, Thomas Winship will provide an opening line. From there, entrants will craft a flash fiction piece of approx 500 words. Entries will be displayed on Thomas' blog Vaempires during the BBF, spread out evenly across the five days, in order of receipt. More information & entry instructions
Snapshot Synopsis Contest hosted by Fel at The Peasants Revolt
Challenge: chisel your synopsis down to 50 words or less.
Voting will be open throughout the fair for visitors to vote on their favorite Snapshot Synopsis.
More information & entry instructions
Reader's Choice Awards hosted by Sherri at Shut Up & Read
All books registered for the Blogger Book Fair are automatically entered into the running for the Reader's Choice Awards. Voting will be open from July 22 to July 25. More informationIndie Soap Box Files hosted by Shah Wharton
Take a turn on the Soap Box. Shah invites speculative fiction writers to write a guest post about being an indie (or hybrid) writer. More information & entry instructions Restrictions: Speculative fiction writers onlyMonster Menagerie hosted by Noree at Trip the Eclipse
What's your favorite monster or supernatural creature? Feature your creature in a flash fiction piece (500-800) words to be featured on Trip the Eclipse. Visitors will vote on their favorite piece. More information & entry instructions
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